Mar 11 - Day 3 Horseback, Party at Mansfield Pub

7:30am Breakfast(Eggs, Bacon, Toast). No tent to pack...Yea! Long ride til lunch(9am-2pm)...No soreness, but a bit tired by lunch. Burritos and rest for lunch. Well rejuvinated and only 3 hours back to the stockyard. It was a nice ride out...and we even spotted two wedgetail eagles flying above us. Not that it was a race, but Georgie and I were the first two riders back to the stable! Not bad for a couple of beginners. We rinsed the horses off and put away our gear. Had a little unwind, showered, etc. I exchanged info with Neil & Courtney, because we were planning on meeting up with them in Melbourne to make some Margaritas. Georgie informed me that the rear door on the van was broken and wouldn't close. I inspected it and saw that a spring had broken and the handle would no longer work. I was able to get the door closed manually, but that would be the last time that door was opened on our trip.

We headed back to town and got some sandwhiches for dinner. Cora had invited us to join the staff at the pub that evening and we had been debating whether or not to go to the pub or to drive half way to Sydney(about 650K). We decided to drive on and were on our way out of town and were waved down by Pete & Sam who were sitting at a table outside the pub. We thought it would be rude to just leave, so we thought we'd go in for one drink. Well, we closed the bar and didn't make it any closer to Sydney, but it was a REALLY fun night!!! Sam, Pete, Anna, Cora, Sarah, Georgie, and I had a great time...drinking, playing pool, music on the jukebox, dancing, goofing off, etc. At last call, we ordered two rounds...they turned off the jukebox on us three times(but we kept turning it back on). And finally we left. I thought Georgie and I were were going to walk across the street to the camper van and sleep. Next thing I knew Cora was driving us back to Sam, Pete, & Anna's place in the country. I felt a little bad for Cora, because I know it's not that fun to be the most sober person among a bunch of drunk people. A couple people got out at the house and Cora drove us to where the food was and dropped us off. We picked up some food and Sam gave us a wild ride back to the house...I wasn't too worried as there wasn't anything to crash into out there. We had some food and Georgie and I slept on the couches.

What a FUN night!!!

Anna, Me, and Pete at the Mansfield Pub
I took about 100 pics this night, It's hard to choose just one!

Mar 10 | Mar 11 | Mar 12

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